We are delighted to have a new newsletter to share more information regarding the Curdivex cauliflower range. You will learn more about the new varieties being introduced, with feedback and consumer insights from across the world. Discover an extract of our first newsletter below and register to receive the next one here: Email Subscription.
Daveil Campbell - Market Development Lead Australia and New Zealand
We showcased the Curdivex concept at an industry field day in a large growing region in Australia back in 2016.
Initial feedback:
- Growers impressed by the white curd and easy harvest access.
- Recently we have had very good results with Whitex in our main growing regions in Australia.
Danielle Buller - Sales Manager ANZ
The main benefit of Whitex is its speed to harvest. It has potential for huge costs savings and revenue optimisation for larger customers.

Carlos Ramirez - Key Account Manager Open Field & Processing
Curdivex has been presented to the 2 biggest supermarkets in Australia. The key criteria on interest to them is:
- harvest uniformity > labour saving
- compact smaller heads > reduction in food waste & less losses in the field
- appealing bright white colour & extended shelf life
1. Increased Uniformity - led to some adaptations
a. Growers have been used to harvesting in multiple passes > less passes due to increased harvest uniformity
b. Need to adapt nursery plans to achieve transplant schedules of smaller blocks more frequently
More and more growers and Farm managers adopt Curdivex for the advantages of harvest uniformity to reduce labour cost
2. Perfect retail specifications for major supermarkets in Australia:
- small curds (150 – 220 mm – 12 heads per tray max).
- bright white colour.
3. Whitex introduction:
- strong & tall plant which is less susceptible to Verticillium Wilt and Black rot.
- great adaptability to changing weather conditions > works for a longer window than traditional varieties in Australia.
Next step: Start evaluating Whitex with one of the major supermarkets in AU soon.