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This tomato is everything you loved about the original Celebrity, plus an added resistance to Tomato spotted wilt virus, thanks to the enhanced disease package! A widely adaptable hybrid for fresh market and home garden, Celebrity produces large, smooth fruit with outstanding flavor. Use Celebrity Plus in any dish and you’ll be sure to be the star of the kitchen.
- Celebrity with Intermediate Resistance to Tomato spotted wilt virus strain 0 and better shape and size
- Improved shape and size uniformity
- Tomato spotted wilt added
- Retains Celebrity characteristics
- Smooth fruit
- Offers larger fruits
- Higher average degrees brix value than the original Celebrity
Agronomic Tips
- Do not over irrigate to avoid puffy fruits
Disease Resistance
Disease Resistance (HR)
Disease Resistance (IR)
Customer Feedback
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Trial Location
Trial Season, Year
Summary of Trial Feedback
A curated summary of all trial feedback for this variety.
Average Grower Rating
1= Very poor, 9 = Excellent performance
Would you grow this again?
Based on post-trial survey